Toyota custom ERP/CRM system

ScaLex is an ERP system developed for the Business Car Group, the largest car dealer, representing such brands as Toyota and Lexus. The company has lots of sales and maintenance centers across the country.


Invoice for payment

Project details:  



About the Client:

ScaLex is an ERP system developed for the Business Car Group, the Largest саr dealer, representing such brands as Toyota and Lexus in Russia. The company has Lots of sales and maintenance centers across the country. These solutions became outdated, didn’t meet the modern business requirements of the company, represented uncoordinated tech platforms which support and improvements were expensive and inefficient.

Location: Russia, Moscow
Industry: Business & Finance, Transport
Team size: 10 members (5 Senior Developers, 3 Middle Developers, 1 Front-end Developer, 1 QA Engineer, Part-time Scrum-Master)

Project duration: 2+ years

Business сhallenge

The project aim is the automation of all car dealers business processes, including:

  • customer support during a new car purchase (test drive, insurance, credit, trade-in, additional equipment, registration in the motor licensing and inspection department);
  • customer support in car service (repair, servicing, spares);
  • spares purchasing and registration;
  • accounting and human resource management;
  • data analysis.

Our solution

To hasten the system development and implementation, and to reduce the time between the first release and receiving feedback from real users, we chose Ruby On Rails 4.0 and the Scrum methodology to use. The system supports various databases: PostgreSQL and MySQL. Native JavaScript and BootStrap were employed to create interactive UI. To automate the work with Clients, we developed the most popular module — CRM. The module includes virtual desktops for each employee role interacting with the dealer’s Clients. The desktop includes a set of tasks concerning customer support. For services and document circulation automation, we developed such modules as «Service», «Spares», «Accounting».

Streamlining car dealership operations

The CRM module was the most crucial part of this project, encompassing the creation of virtual desktops tailored for various employee roles. These desktops facilitated efficient customer support and streamlined task management. Additionally, the modules developed for service, spares, and accounting significantly automated the document circulation and service processes.

Supplier invoice

Additional features:

  • navigation in the system without browser page reloads;
  • flexible security system for user access rights management;
  • interface for interaction with the customer’s previous systems;
  • advanced data analysis tools for enhanced business decision-making;
  • real-time inventory management for spares and services.
Spreadsheet of business car pricing

Business value


  • Incomplete patient information in the patient management system
  • Parts of software architecture responsible for integrations made it inefficient and cumbersome to implement new integrations
  • Patient data was displayed incorrectly and was delivered with delays
  • Lack of mechanisms for regular monitoring and testing of the system performance common for all third-party integrations


  • Automated processes for car sales and services through the CRM module.
  • Integrated and modernized IT solutions, improving efficiency.
  • Reduced operational costs, faster sales cycles, and enhanced customer retention rates.
  • Advanced data analysis tools implemented for informed, strategic decisions.
  • Real-time inventory management system improving supply chain efficiency.

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    Vlad Fedortsov (Sales Manager)
    Vlad Fedortsov
    Account Executive
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