Renting Boats app: making boats booking easy

Renting Boats is a boats booking service allowing users to search and book various boats for voyage.

Renting Boats App - web screen

Business сhallenge

The mobile application is aimed to provide a service of boats lending and renting (similar to Airbnb). Mobile applications should be development only for users who want to rent a boat. Boat owners and the service admins have a web-based application.

Our solution

Our final solution was a progressive web application (PWA) as the main UI for kitchen staff based on our React UI application and Kitchen Coordinator server written in Python. We came up with a distributed microservice architecture with event-based communication.

Renting boats mobile app
Renting boats mobile app

Distinctive features

  • detailed search for boats;
  • multi Language support (English and Spanish);
  • users rating;
  • preset email notifications;
  • general reports in Admin panel;
  • users management by Admins;
  • extended bookings management in Admin panel.

Have an app idea?
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    Vlad Fedortsov (Sales Manager)
    Vlad Fedortsov
    Account Executive
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