Boxforward: freight forwarding logistics web service

Boxforward (former NYCMSK) provides customers with a US mailing address and the package of services that includes receiving and processing orders in a warehouse, goods packaging and parcels shipment to the address indicated by the customer.

Boxforward website front page

Business сhallenge

Shop And Ship LLC has been developing a new version of the service to replace a technically outdated one, which was too difficult and expensive to support and extend with new functionality. The Client started work on the new version with another team; however, he wasn’t satisfied with the team as they couldn’t develop the system on time and make it of good quality.


Service problems:

  • Productivity — the system of parcels management glitched. Testing was superficial and many internal problems were not revealed leading to unstable work of the service and, as a result, to the financial losses of the Client.
  • Security — payment transactions wasn’t protected with the advanced protocols.
  • Update issues — all changes in the web application had been perform

Our solution

After stabilizing the previous version, we focused on the new functionality implementation. We changed the app architecture qualitatively and integrated it with a new payment system (Payonline) and the Boxberry parcels delivery system.

Other improvements we made:

  • SSL integration for secure payments ( A+ sslabs);
  • migration of all data to the new website;
  • web server work optimization;
  • staging launch;
Boxforward website first screen

  • custom forum introduction;
  • integration of Ruby-based administration module with and WordPress-based frontend;
  • implementation of 4 types of user profiles (superadmin, admin, operator, user) with extended rights management system.
Boxforward delivery cost calculation form


Shop And Ship LLC has released the updated version of its service, which works stably.  The new application aims to help the company to increase its market share, reduce operational costs and provide users with advanced capabilities to manage their purchases and parcels.
Boxforward website menu
Boxforward website menu

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    Vlad Fedortsov (Sales Manager)
    Vlad Fedortsov
    Account Executive
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