The Essential Role of Code Refactoring in Business Technology: Joeh’s Journey to Optimization

23 mins |

Code refactoringCode refactoring

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, every business strives for software solutions that are robust, scalable, and efficient. Yet, behind the scenes, the code that powers these solutions can become a tangled web of complexity, making future changes difficult and risky. If you’ve ever wondered why you should allocate budget for something as esoteric as “code refactoring,” you’re not alone. While it may seem like an unnecessary expenditure at first glance, refactoring is actually a strategic investment in your software’s long-term health and, by extension, the sustainability of your business. This article will demystify code refactoring and explain why it is a crucial element in maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

📔 Joeh’s Refactoring Journey: The First Doubts

Meet Joeh, a savvy business owner who successfully navigated his company through the challenges of digital transformation. His e-commerce platform was thriving, attracting a growing number of users every day. However, when his tech team suggested investing time and money into “code refactoring,” Joeh was skeptical. “Why should I divert funds from marketing or customer service to work on something that the customer won’t even see?” he wondered. If you find yourself echoing Joeh’s sentiments, then keep reading; you’re about to discover why Joeh’s initial doubts transformed into solid conviction about the necessity of code refactoring.

What is Code Refactoring?

At its core, code refactoring is like a thorough spring cleaning for your software’s internal structure. Imagine your application as a bustling city: over time, the roads may develop potholes, signs might get old, and traffic can become a nightmare. Refactoring essentially allows you to improve these infrastructural elements without changing what the city fundamentally offers. It optimizes how efficiently everything runs and improves the layout, but the shops, services, and essential features remain the same. The result? A smoother, more streamlined experience for everyone involved, from your developers to your end-users.

The result is a smoother experience for everyone involved, from your developers to your end-users. 

📔 Joeh’s Refactoring Journey: The Light Bulb Moment

Joeh was never one to shy away from challenges, but the technical jargon surrounding code refactoring had always felt like a foreign language to him. That changed during a team meeting when his CTO used a simple analogy: “Think of our software as a well-organized warehouse. Right now, it’s like we’ve been tossing in deliveries anywhere there’s space. It still works, but finding and moving things is getting slower and more expensive by the day. Refactoring is like taking the time to properly label, sort, and rearrange everything so that we can operate more efficiently moving forward.”

Suddenly, it clicked. “Ah, so we’re not changing what our platform does, just improving how it does it,” Joeh realized. The penny had dropped. Still, Joeh looked at the refactoring as unnecessary expense since everything worked well.

The Hidden Costs of Ignoring Code Refactoring

It’s easy to dismiss code refactoring as a non-urgent task, especially when everything seems to be working fine. However, neglecting this essential upkeep can lead to what experts call “technical debt”—the long-term costs incurred from shortcuts or hasty decisions in software development. Here’s why ignoring refactoring could cost your business:

Slower Development Cycles

As your codebase grows more complex and tangled, it becomes a maze that’s difficult for developers to navigate. Each new feature takes longer to implement, driving up costs and delaying time-to-market for your products.

Decreased Adaptability

In a volatile market, the ability to pivot and adapt is crucial. A neglected codebase can lock you into outdated technologies and make it expensive to switch or upgrade, leaving you vulnerable to competitors with more agile operations.

Missed Deadlines and Budget Overflows

Estimations for new developments become increasingly inaccurate with a complicated, unrefactored codebase. This can result in projects going over budget and beyond scheduled deadlines, affecting your business planning and potentially disappointing stakeholders.

Vendor Lock-in

As the code becomes more difficult to understand, the likelihood of being tied to a particular software development provider increases. This dependency can limit your options and negotiation power, making you more vulnerable to price hikes and less responsive to new opportunities.

📔 Joeh’s Refactoring Journey: The Wake-Up Call

Joeh’s business was soaring. But he noticed his development team was slowing down, projects were going over budget, and deadlines were missed. At a meeting, his CTO told him, “We’ve accumulated too much technical debt, and it’s slowing us down. We need to consider refactoring.” Joeh initially resisted, citing cost concerns and tight schedules. However, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that not refactoring might cost him even more in the long run. “Maybe it’s time to pay off this technical debt,” he thought, beginning to see refactoring as an investment, not just an expense.

Why Your Business Should Invest in Code Refactoring

Investing in code refactoring is like performing regular maintenance on a valuable machine—it ensures everything runs smoothly, extends the machine’s lifespan, and ultimately saves you money in the long run. Here are some compelling reasons why your business should allocate resources for this crucial activity:

Maintainability and Extensibility

The technology landscape is ever-changing. If your software can’t adapt quickly, it’s at risk of becoming obsolete. A well-maintained codebase makes it easier to add new features, adapt to emerging technologies, and integrate with other systems. This adaptability can be a competitive advantage, helping you respond faster to market demands.


Just like a well-organized filing system makes it easier to find crucial business documents, readable code makes it easier for developers to understand the software’s internal workings. This speeds up troubleshooting and the addition of new features, saving you both time and money.


A streamlined, optimized codebase is a high-performing one. This directly translates to faster page loads, more efficient use of server resources, and a better user experience. In today’s fast-paced digital world, a delay of even a second can mean the difference between a conversion and a lost customer.

Cost Savings

Although there’s an upfront investment, refactoring can lead to significant long-term cost savings. How? By reducing the time required for future developments, minimizing errors, and mitigating the risks of technical debt that could make future changes expensive and cumbersome.

📔 Joeh’s Refactoring Journey: The Real-World Payoff

After that pivotal team meeting, Joeh greenlit a small refactoring project as a trial run. Within weeks, he noticed that the development team was moving quicker than before. Updates and new feature releases were a big struggle for the team when now it’s become a simple task. The real eye-opener came when they had to integrate a new payment gateway within a week due to regulatory changes. Thanks to the cleaner, more maintainable code, they met the deadline with time to spare.

Not only did this save on emergency outsourcing costs, but the team also noted a significant drop in bug reports, meaning happier customers and fewer hours spent on troubleshooting. Joeh thought back to his initial hesitation about code refactoring and chuckled. The investment was already paying dividends, both in terms of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

When to Consider Investing in Refactoring

In business, timing is everything. Knowing when to invest in product development, marketing, or personnel can make the difference between soaring success and falling flat. The same principle applies to code refactoring. Here’s how to determine the right moment for this crucial investment:

Align with Business Objectives

Before taking any action, make sure that your decision aligns with your broader business goals. If you’re planning to scale, introduce new features, or target a new market segment, a well-maintained codebase can drastically speed up those processes.

Signs of Sluggish Performance

If your application’s load times are increasing or it’s not performing as smoothly as it used to, it could be an indicator that the code requires some cleaning up. Slow performance can lead to user dissatisfaction, which could ultimately cost you clients and revenue.

Frequent Bug Reports

A rising number of bugs or system crashes can be a strong indicator that your codebase is becoming unwieldy. Investing in refactoring at this stage could save you from more serious problems down the line, including potential reputation damage.

Developer Turnover

If you’ve recently experienced turnover within your development team, it’s an excellent opportunity to invest in refactoring. New developers will find it easier to understand and work with a clean, well-organized codebase, thereby reducing the onboarding time and costs.

Before Major Updates

Planning to introduce a significant update or a new set of features? Take this as an opportunity to also clean up the codebase. It’s like preparing the foundation before building an extension to your house. The cleaner and more stable the foundation, the smoother the construction process will be.

Regulatory Changes

Sometimes, changes in regulations or compliance standards necessitate updates to your software. If you’re already required to make changes, this could be an opportune time to invest in refactoring.

In summary, the best time to invest in code refactoring is when you notice performance lag, when it aligns with broader business objectives, or when you’re already making other significant changes to your software. Being proactive in identifying these opportunities can save your business time and money in the long run.

📔 Joeh’s Refactoring Journey: Timing is Everything

After the success of his first refactoring project, Joeh became a firm believer in its merits. However, he also knew that timing was crucial. The question was, when should they do it again?

The answer came when they were planning to add a new suite of features to their software. Knowing that a cleaner codebase could speed up this major update, Joeh decided it was the perfect moment to reinvest in refactoring. Around the same time, they faced a change in data privacy regulations that required certain updates to their software. Combining these required updates with another round of refactoring seemed like a two-for-one deal that was too good to pass up.

As expected, the new features were implemented more smoothly than ever before. Furthermore, their compliance with the new regulations was achieved without a hitch. Once again, Joeh’s timely decision to invest in refactoring paid off, proving that the right timing could amplify its benefits.

When Refactoring May Be Unnecessary for Your Business

There are scenarios where the traditional wisdom of investing in code refactoring might not apply. Here are some instances when your business could consider skipping or delaying this process:

Time to Market is Crucial

If you’re operating under tight deadlines to get your product to market, now might not be the time for a comprehensive code overhaul. Refactoring can be like opening Pandora’s box: once started, it could demand more time than initially planned. However, you should circle back and assess the need for refactoring once the time-sensitive objectives are met.

Total Overhaul is More Efficient

In cases where the existing codebase is so outdated or convoluted that it becomes a drain on resources, it might be more cost-effective to start afresh. Instead of pouring money into fixing something that’s fundamentally broken, reallocating those resources to build something new and efficient could be the smarter business move.

No Future Updates Planned

If your application has reached a stage where no further updates or feature additions are planned, the need for refactoring diminishes. However, keep in mind that business needs evolve, and what seems sufficient today might need improvement tomorrow.

By recognizing when refactoring may not be the right option, you’re better equipped to make informed decisions that align with your business objectives and financial health.

📔 Joeh’s Refactoring Journey: Knowing When to Hold Off

Joeh was enthusiastic about the benefits of code refactoring, but he also understood that it wasn’t always necessary. For one of their smaller projects, his team was using a third-party solution that was already highly optimized. The costs of refactoring in this case would outweigh any minor gains in performance or maintainability. Joeh made the tough decision to hold off on refactoring, proving that it’s not always the answer to every problem.

Best Practices for Business Leaders

So you’ve decided that code refactoring is a good investment for your business. What’s next? Here are some guidelines to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible and brings the most value to your organization:

Engage Stakeholders Early On

Don’t treat refactoring as a purely technical task. Engage key business stakeholders in discussions about the scope and objectives. Make sure everyone is aligned on the expected outcomes, both in terms of software quality and business benefits.

Budget Wisely

Refactoring doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing project. Plan and allocate resources so it can be done incrementally. This allows you to spread out the costs and measure the ROI over time.

Monitor Impact

Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track the improvements that refactoring brings to your business. Whether it’s faster loading times, reduced downtime, or improved user engagement, these metrics will help you justify the initial investment.

Communication is Key

Keeping everyone in the loop, from your tech team to your marketing department, is essential for the success of a refactoring project. Clear communication helps manage expectations and allows for agile adjustments as the project unfolds.

Seek Expert Advice

If you’re not sure where to start or how to prioritize refactoring tasks, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Consultants who specialize in software architecture can provide invaluable insights and help guide your strategy.

📔 Joeh’s Refactoring Journey: Leading by Example

As his business continued to grow, Joeh made code refactoring a standard part of his team’s workflow. He also started sharing his experiences and best practices with other business leaders in his network, becoming an advocate for smart, timely code refactoring. Not only did this benefit his own operations, but it helped elevate the importance of code quality in his industry as a whole.

SumatoSoft Helped a Lot of Joehs

We are SumatoSoft team, and we helped numerous Joehs to refactor their systems with our staff augmentation services. We have a ready-to-go and custom-hired team of software engineers, Scrum Masters, Designers, and QA specialists ready to extend any team’s capacity. 

We also provide full-cycle custom software development in various industries like eCommerce software, Elearning development, Finance, Real Estate, Logistics software, Travel, and more.  But it’s not the topic here. Here are some facts about us:  

  • Ruby on Rails development is our key expert area. 
  • 11 years on the market of software development. 
  • We work honestly and openly for fair rates
  • No communication barrier since all specialists speak English well.
  • 200 custom software solutions.
  • 27 countries we worked with.

Enhancing medical transportation platform that operates in 26 states of the USA

We joined a Client team that worked on the platform that provides mobile medical services and transportation in 26 US States and in the United Kingdom. Around 1000 enquiries for cars are coming to the application per day in 6 States. Our task was to add several new features to the platform and refactor the existing codebase. The linkore to the case study – link.

The SumatoSoft team has built 200 custom software solutions for 27 countries for the last 10 years. Clients are satisfied with our results. 4.8 rating on Clutch and 5.0 rating on Goodfirms prove it. Get in touch


Investing in code refactoring is not just a technical decision – it’s a strategic business move that has far-reaching implications for your company’s future. By understanding the value that refactoring brings in terms of maintainability, extensibility, and cost savings, you can make informed decisions that contribute to the long-term success of your business. Skipping refactoring may seem like a cost-saving measure in the short term, but it often leads to hidden expenses that can impede growth and reduce competitiveness. Follow the best practices outlined in this article to make the most out of your investment and position your business for success in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

📔 Joeh’s Final Thoughts: A Look Into the Future

A few months after the initial refactoring project, Joeh found himself reflecting on the journey. He couldn’t help but think how different things would be if he had dismissed the concept as mere “technical housekeeping.” His business was now more agile, saving not just time but also significant costs in development. The team was happier, and so were the customers.

In a team meeting, he heard developers excitedly discussing plans for a new feature, confident that implementation would be smoother than ever. Regulatory changes that would have been daunting were now opportunities to improve. Joeh realized that code refactoring had become an integral part of his company’s DNA – a proactive strategy rather than a reactive chore.

And as he looked at the metrics showing improved performance and increased customer satisfaction, Joeh knew that this was only the beginning. He felt not just relief but excitement for what lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that his software, and his business, were well-positioned for the challenges and opportunities of the future.


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